
'til you - Alanis Morissette



【柔声倾诉】Alanis Morissette - Til You


Alanis Morissette,1974生于加拿大安大略省渥太华市,非主流创作歌手。多才的她一直都在不断的寻求突破,多次转型,最终成为一位另类摇滚歌手,且会自己创作词曲,同Liz Phair及Tori Amos并驾齐驱。她曾获七次格莱美奖以及多项加拿大音乐奖Juno奖。

《Til You》

I’ve been wasting time
Clawing my way to you
Taking no prisoners with my romantic crimes
I’ve been holding on imaging him says a new
Holding my breath while you clean down the pike

Spinning my wheels around
I’m here, dodging bullets til you
Ear to the ground
I’m here, dodging bullets til you

I’ve been taking notes
Nursing the thought of you
Research and deliver cuz I’m hiding my time
I’ve been holding on this magnet that calls to you
Entertaining myself with these consolation prizes

Spinning my wheels around
I’m here, dodging bullets til you
Ear to the ground
I’m here, dodging bullets til you

They’ve become too fond
But mere peace holders to you
They feel the stance card
As you form in my mind

Spinning my wheels around
I’m here, dodging bullets til you
Ear to the ground
I’m here, dodging bullets til you

Til you

